Security Policies
In order to protect against the occurrence and effects of crimes such as smuggling (drugs, people, illegal products) and terrorism; all employees, subcontractors, suppliers and visitors within the boundaries of the facility must comply with this policy.
PHYSICAL SAFETY: To ensure the physical safety of our employees by considering occupational safety and health, product safety and environmental safety;
- Physical security of all entry-exit points to the factory area will be ensured. Necessary door controls will be provided to prevent theft and unauthorised entries. The entrances and exits of the areas characterised as sensitive areas will be controlled.
- Regular trainings will be provided on how employees will react and report in any suspicious or dangerous situation.
- Protection plans will be created for natural disasters or man-made hazards.
- The security unit will carry out regular security checks at the factory site and record them. Shift schedules, shift changes, patrol routes of the security unit will be established regularly. This information will be protected at sensitive information level.
- Adequate lighting will be provided in the entire factory area.
- Car park area will be monitored and protected.
- Suspicious packages found in the factory area will be immediately reported to local security forces and the package will not be intervened.
- Acceptance, control and distribution of external packages will be carried out in the area reserved for this purpose.
- The manager and managers will be informed about official warnings from local or national security units.
- Security risks in raw materials, materials, manufacturing, packaging area and product warehouses will be identified and these risks will be taken under control.
INFORMATION SECURITY: In order to ensure the security of information generated in the execution of activities;
- The information technology unit will implement an effective information management for the healthy storage of information.
- Physical conditions that will not be affected by environmental factors will be provided for the storage of information (air conditioning, fire extinguishing, uninterrupted power supply).
- The places where the information is stored, the cables and systems through which the information is transported shall be protected from unauthorised intervention, any damage and power failure.
- Technically confidential information will not be accessible to unauthorised persons.
- To prevent cyber-attacks such as viruses, worms, trojans, baiting, mail hijacking, etc. that may come through social media;
a. All computers will be protected with the latest version antivirus software.
b. Social media attachments and e-mail messages from unknown and suspicious sources will not be opened.
c. All portable media used on computers will not be used.
d. Firewall system will prevent access to social media environments that are not deemed appropriate.
PRODUCT SAFETY: In order to take adequate measures for the safety of products in all processes from raw materials to final products;
- Unauthorised access to production and packaging areas will be prevented. Visitors can only enter these areas with a guide. Visitors will not have bags, parcels, boxes, etc. at the entrances.
- No photos and videos will be taken in the production and packaging area.
- Loading vehicles will be checked for 7-point conformity.
- Seals will be used according to the Security Instruction.
We declare and undertake.

Environment Friendly, 100% Natural Products
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